Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What a beautiful day!

top ten things that makes today great:
1. Knowing God is in control!
2. I'm on spring break all week, woo hoo!
3. I have a wonderful boyfriend who i got to visit this past weekend :)
4. were having some sister hang out time this afternoon which i'm excited about because i haven't seen her much recently
5. Its in the 60's
6. I started jogging again, and i didn't go extremely far but i didn't have to stop. so i say its a good start.
7. I painted my nails outside :)
8. went to the tanning bed, and yes y'all can make fun of me
9. I got a free sweet tea from Mc'Ds which they have the best tea besides chickfila
10. Tonight is young adults! :)